

> à propos difference

Media makes it possible that different cultures move closer to each other with great speed. Each culture however still possesses its completely own starting point or character based on the respective history, but also their geographical situation, which have formed humans and their everyday life and will continue to do so. Therefore fusions, as economy today generally operates, in the cultural range are very doubtful. "Cultural fusions" are often subjected to exactly the same invisible dictation of the side, which possesses the money and/or means of production and therefore runs the risk of being manipulated.

Both the common (arch types?) and the difference between cultures need to have a fruit-full effect on each other. This can only happen in an atmosphere, which is carried by curiosity, respect and quality and that opens a way for a constructive discourse. Only so co-operation in the true sense of the word can possibly develop.

The uniqueness of different cultures is a treasure, which should not be lost. What I mean is the fact that the sheer heterogeneity of different cultures can set energies free, which sometimes can result in new dimensions of poetry. > For the time being I regard the „letting-be“ of differences as fundamental. This does not mean that fusions should not take place. They may simply not only be developed out of exotic or market-strategic moments.

My opinion is that these basic ideas apply to all arts.

> > > The co-operation with composers from Cairo and Zurich in the project "Ma Bohème" proceeds from above thoughts. The possibilities should be given to show, to hear and discuss the simultaneousness of difference or the co-existence of quality – and who knows, possibly to find things in common –

Lisa Schiess
Aug. 2000